有一类优秀的电影,就像我今天看到的源代码一样,总是在不断地引导观众的好奇心。为了取得重大突破,证明自己的实验有用。那位博士总是命令男主的思维不断的穿越。他的语气很凌厉,对成功有一种近乎偏执的渴望!而男主对此只有深深地无奈,甩不掉的疲惫…我憎恶这样把人当做工具!在《少年汉尼拔》那位死刑犯用绝望的口气说,“我无助时,警察在哪里?"他是一位纳粹战犯。在战争中 ,一定会有很多战犯逃脱了制裁,并不是每一个人都能被公平的对待!
“有时候,我得用很长时间,才知道自己最想说的话。”,这是男主对她爸爸说的话,这句话,很温和。有时间我觉得自己面对我喜欢的姑娘也是这样。2016年9月18日星期日附上 如果有一刹那,上帝忘记我是一只布偶并赋予我片刻生命,我可能不会说出我心中的一切所想,但我必定会思考我所说的一切。
人呀,我从你们身上学会了太多的东西… …我知道,人们都想伫立在颠峰上,殊不知,真正的幸福恰恰就在于攀登险阻的过程。我懂得,当婴儿用小拳头第一次抓住爸爸的手指时,他也就永远地抓住了它。
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ Farewell Death Letter to his Friends
La Marioneta by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
If for an instance, God should forget
I am only a puppet made of cloth
and bestow as a gift a scrap of life,
I probably could not say all that I think,
but would put thought into all that I say.
I would value things not for their worth,
but for their significance.
Iwould sleep very little and dream more
with the awareness that every minute
we keep our eyes closed
we lose sixty seconds of Light.
I would go forward when the others stagnate.
I would rise up when the others sleep.
I would listen when others talk,
and with how much joy I would taste a good chocolate ice cream!
If God bestowed upon me a scrap of life
I would dress in simple clothes
and lay prostrate under the sun
exposing not only my body but my soul.
My God, if I had a heart,
I would write my hatred onto a piece of ice
and wait for the sun to appear.
With a dream of Van Gogh
I would paint on the stars a poem by Benedetti,
and a song by Serrat would be my serenade to the moon.
With my tears I would water the roses,
breathe in the pain of their thorns
and the red kisses of their petals.
My God, if I had a scrap of life,
I would not allow one day to pass
without telling a beloved person that I love them.
I would convince every man and every woman
that they were my favorites
and I would live a life in love with love.
I would prove to the men how mistaken they are
in thinking that they no longer fall in love when they grow old–
not knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love.
To a child I would give wings, but I would let him learn how to fly by himself.
To the old I would teach that death comes not with old age
but with forgetting. I have learned so much from you men….
I have learned that everybody wants to live
on top of the mountain,
not knowing that true happiness lies in
climbing the mountain.
I have learned that when a newborn first squeezes
his father’s finger in his tiny fist, he has caught him forever.
I have learned that a man has the right
to look down from up high onto another man
only to assist him to stand up again.
From you I have learned so many things,
but the truth is that they won’t be much use to me
because when they put me into that suitcase
it will unfortunately be to die.
Always say what you feel
and do what you think.
If I knew that today was the last time
I could watch you falling asleep
I would hug you and
pray to God to allow me to be the
guardian of your soul.
If I knew that today was the last time
that I saw you walking through that door
I would hug you, kiss you and call upon you
to do so even more.
If I knew that today was the last time
that I could hear your voice
I would register every single word
in order to hear them over and over again.
If I knew that these were the last minutes
that I’d see you I would say ‘I love you’
and would not care if I overwhelmed you one bit
by the fact that you already knew.
There is always a tomorrow
and life gives us another possibility
to do things right
but if I got this wrong and today was all there is left,
I would take delight in telling you
how much I love you,
that I will never forget you.
Tomorrow cannot be insured
by anybody, young or old.
Today can be your last time
to see somebody you love.
Therefore, don’t wait for more.
Do it today.
Because if tomorrow wasn’t going to arrive
you would surely regret the day where you did not
have time for a smile, a hug, a kiss
and that you were too busy to fulfill a last wish.
Hold who you love close to you,
tell them how much you need them,
love them and treat them well.
Find the time to tell them ‘I’m sorry’,
‘forgiveme’, ‘please’, ‘thankyou’
and all the words of love that you know.
No one will remember your secret thoughts.
Ask the Lord to give you the strength
and the wisdom to express them.
Show your friends and beloved ones
that they are important.
Send this to whoever you want.
If you don’t do it today,
tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.
And if you won’t ever do it, it won’t matter.
The moment is now.
With love